User Guides
Load Management

Load Management

Once a pick task is completed, the order status will change to picked indicating that it is ready for loading. This article introduces the LTL load type and related operations.

How to Search the Load

Navigate to Warehouse Module > Outbound > Load, it displays the Load list with the details on the right screen.

There are two search method supported for quick searching: Keyword Search and Advanced Search.

Keyword Search

If you remember any keywords of the load such as Load ID or Load NO, please enter the keyword into the input box then click SEARCH to search the corresponding loads.

Advanced Search

  1. If there are still too many results after filtering keyword or if you want to search some specific fields such as Load Type, Status, Carrier and etc. Please click Advanced Search to switch the searching method. Load3

  2. Fill in the fields information then scroll down to click SEARCH button for searching. Load4

The system also supports to export load records. If you want to export some specific load records, please setup the corresponding fields then click EXPORT button to export the data. Load5

How to Create a New Load

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Module > Outbound > Load, click Add Load at the upper right corner.

  2. Enter the corresponding information to build a new load. Setup the Load Type as LTL. Load7 Please click the Edit button in blue to modify the ship from/to address and bill to information.

  3. Click ADD ORDERLINES, it will navigate to new page for searching and selecting orders to add to this load. Load8 It supports user to search the order via keyword search or advanced search which they want to add.

  4. Once the target orders are founded, please select them and click ADD to add the orders to the load. Load9 Multiple Delivery Notifications can be grouped together in the same load as long as they share the same destination. This ship from and ship to fields will be automatically filled with the corresponding information from the delivery notifications.

  5. Click SAVE button at the bottom to complete the process. Load10

How to Blind an Entry for the Load

After completing creating the load, please create a new entry and a new load task. The new entry is for the driver to complete window check in process, and also assigns the load task.

Please refer to the How to Blind an Entry for the Load section in LTL & TL Shipping (opens in a new tab) to operate.
The details for Entry, please refer to Entry Management (opens in a new tab).