User Guides
Employee Management

Employee Management

General Introduction

For the enterprises/merchants with multiple POS system users, transparent and organized cooperation is essential. Therefore, the user management module plays a key role in fostering better collaboration. This Employee Management module is designed to fulfill this function. Once you subscribe to the POS system, you can create a main account for the manager role, who can then assign sub-accounts and set permissions for different users in employee roles.

View Employee Information

  • Click User, then select the sub-menu Employee Management from the navigation panel on the left side of the main interface. The Employee Management page, as shown in the image below, will be displayed.


  • The basic information of the employee is listed in the table, which includes: name, email, role, location, POS number, status, and hire date.

    - NAME: The name of the user account (referring to the employee account).
    - EMAIL: The email address associated with the employee account.
    - ROLE: The responsibilities/permissions of the employee account.
    - LOCATIONS: The name of the store where the employee works.
    - POS NO: The number of the POS device the employee uses.
    - STATUS: The current status of the employee (active or inactive).
    - HIRE DATE: The date the employee account was created.

Note: You can search for specific employees using either the basic filter or the detailed filter.

1) Basic filter: At the top of the table, there are four selection frames with drop-down menus. These frames include: LOCATION, POS NO, STATUS, and ROLE. Click the desired frame and select an item from the drop-down menu. The employees displayed in the table below will update accordingly.
2) Detailed filter: Click the Search & Filter button with the search icon in the top right corner of this page. The Enter Name or Email bar will appear. Input the name or email. When used in conjunction with the selected basic filter, you can find the required employee within a narrower range.

  • Click on the employee name to access the Employee Details page, where you can view detailed information about the employee account, including: first name, last name, email, phone, hire date, status, merchant, locations, POS number, role, and permissions list.

Note: For a detailed explanation of the parameters mentioned above, please refer to the Add New Employee section.

Add New Employee

  1. On the Employee Management page, click the + Add New button in the top right corner to access the Add New Employee page. Please refer to the image below.


  1. Fill in the basic information and assign a role to the employee as follows:

    - First name: Employee's first name.
    - Last name: Employee's surname.
    - Email: Email address for contacting this employee.
    - Phone: Contact phone number.
    - Hire date: Date when the employee account is created.
    - Status: Current status of the employee.
    - Password: Login password for the employee account.
    - Confirm password: Re-enter the password for confirmation.
    - Merchant: Main account to which the employee account belongs.
    - Locations: Name of the store established under the merchant.
    - POS No.: Number of the POS device used by the employ.
    - Role: Employee's responsibilities.

    Note: Once the role is selected, the values under Permission list will appear. Choose accordingly.

  2. After filling in all the information, click the Save button in the top right corner. You will automatically return to the Employee Management page, accompanied by a notification indicating that the employee account has been added successfully.