User Guides
Dispatcher Management
Dispatcher List

Dispatcher List

Dispatcher List page provides a interface to view the all loads with basic data, allowing dispatcher to view, search and customize the display settings.

This article mainly explains the relevant parameters and searching method within this page.


All loads are displayed under Dispatcher > Dispatcher List. The basic fields are displayed in this section, such as Load Status, Driver, Container # and etc.

If you want to hide some unnecessary fields for simplifying the display, please click this Adjust icon to modify the settings. Disable the field which you don’t need, the column will be hidden automatically.



Here are the descriptions for Load Status. Please refer to Load Overview (opens in a new tab) to learn about more fields.

Load StatusDescription
PendingIndicates the load has been created but is still waiting for the dispatcher to assign a driver and determine the next steps.
AvailableIndicates the shipment is ready to be dispatched, it can either be loaded or assigned to a driver for transportation.
DepartedIndicates shipment has departed from its origin, and the transportation has begun.
DispatchedIndicates that the load has been assigned to a driver, through the shipment may still be at the origin or on route.
Enroute to ChassisIt means the driver is heading to the designated location to pickup the container.
Arrived to ChassisIt means the driver has reached the designated location and is ready to pick up a chassis for the next load.
Enroute to Pick ContainerIndicates the driver is traveling to the container storage location. The containers are usually stored at ports or warehouses.
Arrived at Pick ContainerIndicate the driver has arrived at the location and is ready to pick up the shipment.
Enroute to Deliver LoadIndicates the driver has loaded the shipment and is enroute to the delivery destination.
Arrived at Deliver LoadIndicates the driver has arrived at the delivery destination and is ready to to unload and hand over the shipment.
Enroute to Drop ContainerIndicates the driver is returning the container or chassis to the designated return location.
DroppedIndicate the load has been completed, the container or chassis has been returned and unloaded at the specified location.
Enroute to Hook ContainerIndicates the drier is traveling to the location to hook the container.
Arrived to Hook ContainerIndicated the driver has arrived at the location and is ready to load the container onto the chassis.
Enroute to Return LoadIndicates the driver is returning an empty or delivered container to the designated return location.
Arrived at Return LoadIndicates the driver has arrived at the return location. Typically to drop off the container, chassis or empty vehicle.
Enroute to Stop OffIndicates the driver is traveling to an intermediate stop.
Arrived at Stop OffIndicates the driver has reached an intermediate stop.
Enroute to Return ChassisIndicates the driver is returning the used chassis to a leasing or storage location.
Arrived at Return ChassisIndicates the driver has reached the designated return location and is ready for returning the chassis.
CompletedIndicates the load is fully completed. The system will mask this load as completed and close the order.

Searching Methods

This section introduces the filtering conditions and the data board within this interface.

Data Board

There are six data boards displaying the load amount with their status, allowing dispatchers to conveniently monitor and track progress.

It will display the corresponding loads when clicking the number on the board.


Filtering Conditions

It supports multiple filtering conditions, including date, Load # and other load fields.


It supports to configure a specific date for search, or choose a time period to filter data.


Load No.

Enter the Load # for searching.


Field Filtering

It supports to filter the data based on the fields related to load info. Please click the filtering icon, then setup or check the target fields to search.