User Guides
Order Plan

Order Plan

Order Plans streamline the picking process. Create order plan to manage an order and the method of picking, packing and shipping. If multiple orders require the same items order plans generate a pick strategy to efficiently pick those order in parallel. This article introduces how to create a new order plan.

  1. Navigate to Outbound > Order Plan, it will display the Order Plan List and the search filtering. It supports to quick search via the fields, such as Pick Type/Pick Way/Customer/Status. Plan1
Task CreatedPick tasks have been successfully created, but not yet released to the pickers. This is to ensure all zone pickers are working on the pick tasks under the same order plan.
ReleasedPick tasks under the order plan have been released to the pickers.
CompletedPick tasks under the order plan have been closed. The user can now release another order plan with the same Order Dispatch Type.
CancelledThe another plan has been canceled.

You can also to click Plan ID to view the plan details. Plan2 Plan3

  1. Click Create order plan on the upper right corner. Plan4

  2. Fill in the corresponding information. Plan5

Default Pick WayOrder pick for regular orders, wave pick for drop ship orders with qty 1 per DN.
Default AssigneeName of user assigned to task.
Default Pick TypeThis is commonly case or piece pick depending on the account.
  1. Add orders for this plan, please click Add Orders or Select Repeat Orders according to your requirements. Plan6

For Add Orders, it supports to search for target order via Keyword Search or Advanced Search.
For Select Repeat Orders, it supports searching via the fields such as Customer, Retailer or Status.

  1. After all orders needed are added to order plan, please scroll down and click Save. Plan7

  2. The system will generate an Order Plan and Order Plan ID after saving successfully. Please click Edit Order Plan to make any necessary changes to the order plan. Plan8

  3. If you want to design the order picked, please click Create Pick Strategy to do it. The feature ensures optimal pick efficiency and accuracy for the assigned picker.

  4. Please click OK on the popup.

  5. After creating a pick strategy, the button will change to Roll Back and Create Task. Please click Create Task to generate a task number. Plan9

  6. Click OK button on the popup window. 11.The system will create the Pick Task and automatically generate a Task Plan number. Please click Release button, then click OK on the popup to release the pick task to the warehouse.