User Guides
Purchase Order

Purchase Order

In this module, you can review the detailed information of the purchase orders that are generated by the corresponding purchase requests.

  1. Click Purchase, then select the sub-menu Purchase Order from the navigation panel on the left side of the main interface. The Purchase Order page shown in the image below will be displayed.


  1. All your purchase orders are listed in the table. You can review the basic information of the purchase order, including: PO NO., PR NO., Created Date, Vendor, Facility, Status, Issued Status, PO Amount, Receipt Type, Type and PR Amount.

    - PO NO.: Purchase order number.
    - PR NO.: Corresponding purchase request number for the order.
    - CREATED DATE: Date when the purchase order is generated.
    - VENDOR: Supplier responsible for delivering the products.
    - FACILITY: Warehouse where the products are stored.
    - STATUS: Current status of the purchase order.
    - ISSUED STATUS: Indicates if the purchase order has been issued.
    - PO AMOUNT: Total amount of the purchase order.
    - RECEIPR TYPE: Type of the receipt.
    - TYPE: Category of the purchase order.
    - PR AMOUNT: Total amount of the purchase request.

    Notice: You can filter specific purchase orders by entering one or more of the following parameters: PO NO., Vendor, PO Amount, PR NO., Status, Created Date, Type, Facility, or Issued Status, and then clicking the search icon in the SEARCH BY section.

    Note: Click the three-dot icon on the right side of the table and select an option based on the requirement for your purchase order. You can choose from four options: Push to warehouse, Cancel PO, Issue PO and Close PO. Refer to the image below.

    - Push To Warehouse: Directs the order to the pre-defined warehouse for processing.
    - Cancel PO: Cancels the selected purchase order.
    - Issue PO: Issues the selected purchase order.
    - Close PO: Deactivates the purchase order.


  2. Click the purchase number in the table. The Delivery Information page shown in the image below will appear.

    - You can review all the detailed information of the purchase order.


    - You can also add a note for this purchase order. Once text is entered in the "Notes" field, the Save button will become active. Click Save to record the note.
