User Guides
Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard provides an overview of data related to sales channels, orders, shipments, products, and warehouses. Each merchant has its own dashboard view, displaying the following information:

Dashboard Overview

  • New Orders: Recent orders from all sales channels.

  • Orders in Progress: Orders sent to the warehouse for processing.

  • Shipped Today: Orders shipped as of today.

  • Active Channels: Enabled sales channels for this merchant.

  • Active Products: Products currently available for sale and in stock.

  • Active Warehouses: Currently available warehouses.

  • Order Volume: Live charts showing the order volume on a daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

  • Orders from Channels: Bar charts displaying orders from all sales channels on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis.

  • Orders to Warehouses: Bar charts displaying orders sent to the warehouse on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis.

Note: Hovering over a data point on the live charts or bar charts will display more details.