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Connect to Third-Party Application

Connect to Third-Party Application

If you want to connected some other third-party applications, please refer to the following operations to create a new application. This article introduces how to connect to an new application on Pass.

  1. Navigate to My Profile > Connected Applications > Third Party Applications, it will show all Item applications which are connected to your account.

  2. Click + Add New. 3App-1

  3. Fill in the corresponding information, then click Save to complete adding a new application. 3App-2

After saving the application’s information, Item Pass will obtain the required parameters and integrate with the third-party application via our Public API. Then the users can login and manage the application through Item Pass.

Upload Application LogoLogo of application to display in the list. Size: 50MB max.
Application NameName of the application to display in the list.
Application IDID number of the application, it is fixed and it’s not editable.
DescriptionThe detailed description of the application.
Website & URLThe URL of application website, the URL is editable after selecting Website option.
Android App Google Play Link & URLThe URL to download the Android App from Google Play, the URL is editable after selecting Android App Google Play Link option.
Android APK Download Link & URLThe URL to download Android APK, the URL is editable after selecting Android APK Download Link option.
ios App Store Link & URLThe URL to download ios application from ios App Store, the URL is editable after selecting ios App Store Link option.

The application logo will be displayed under the section. If you want to update some information related to the connected third-party application, please click three dots button to edit it. 3App-3

  1. Click Save to complete editing. 3App-4