Getting Started

Start Picking

Getting Started
January 26, 2024


To begin picking visit System Configuration and configure the following:

1. Facility Setup. Required for defining your facility.

2. Location Setup. Required for defining dock and inventory locations.

3. User setup. Required for defining users, roles, permissions, and assigning users tasks.

4. Item setup. Required for defining inventory items.

5. Printer setup. Required to print labels used to track inventory.

Picking Overview

1. Picking begins with an Order that is either imported from an Enterprise Resource Program (ERP), sent to Item through an Application Programming Interface (API), or manually created in Item.

2. After a DN is generated a user initiates an Inventory Commitment. Inventory Commitment locks inventory that will be picked for an order. This prevents issues and shortages during the picking process, as these issues become visible prior to processing the order.

3. After Inventory is committed to an Order, The system either performs an Order Dispatch, or a User performs an Order Plan. Both of these generate a Picking Task with dispatch being an automatic system generated version.

4. Once a Picking task is generated, it is assigned to user to perform.

Picking Automation

1. Create an Order Filter list based on different prerequisites.

2. Edit Order Dispatch Settings.

3. Edit auto schedule.

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