Getting Started

Start Returns

Getting Started
February 13, 2024


To begin Returns visit System Configuration and configure the following:

1. Facility Setup. Required for defining your facility.

2. Location Setup. Required for defining dock and inventory locations.

3. User setup. Required for defining users, roles, permissions, and assigning users tasks.

4. Client Setup. Required for defining a client for returns.

5. Visual Screening conditions set in client settings with the dynamic text property.

6. Item setup. Required for defining inventory items.

7. Printer setup. Required to print labels used to track inventory.

8. Additionally an Item WMS subscription is required to utilize RMA functions.

Returns Overview

To begin returns:

1. Create a Return Merchandise authorization (RMA) through one of three methods:

  • API/EDI import
  • Manual creation
  • Delivery Notice (DN) inquiry

2. Open a receive task for the return into the facility.

3. Begin offload of returned inventory.

4. Returned items then undergo visual screening. Here an item's condition is verified.

5. If required the items are also sent to functional testing to verify if the items work within expectations. Examples of items required for functional testing include electronic equipment.

6. Depending on the return policy of the vendor, and the capabilities of the return facility, items are sent to on-site or off-site recovery.

On-Site recovery includes simple rework required to return items to inventory.

Off-Site recovery often includes a return to vendor, then a repair for more in depth damages.

7. Once recovery is complete the items are ready for restock.

8. Items ready for restock are designated as ready for inventory.

9. Ready for inventory items are then transferred to WMS for regular inventory put away.

Follow WMS processes to complete the following:

  1. Put away.
  2. Return to Inventory.
  3. Outbound Order.
  4. Pick task to fulfill Order.
  5. Ship to Order destination.

Returns Workflow

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