API Docs
API Reference
DN Import

DN Import API

DN is the abbreviation of Delivery Notification. This article introduces the general DN Import API use case for easily understanding and applying this API.


DN Import API is designed to facility the import of outbound ASNs (Advanced Shipping Notices) into the WISE system, ensuring seamless integration with the WMS and accurate transfer of outbound shipment information for the efficient processing.

API Request

API: POST /edi/outbound/order

Body Request:

Main Fields

1CompanyIDHard code, assigned by UNIS system admin.string15Yes1.2"LT"
2CustomerIDHard code, assigned by UNIS accounting dept.string15Yes1.2"AUKINT0001"
3FacilityIDIndicates which warehouse UNIS ship from. It should be assigned by UNIS CSRstring15yes1.2"889"
4POContent (opens in a new tab)objectyes1.2
5TitleIDTitleID which setup under Customerstringno1.3""

POContent Fields

4.1ReferenceNoAn unique identifier to indicate an order.string50Yes1.2"Roy022501-3"
4.2PONoYour customer's Purchse Order Number, doesn't need to be unique.string50No1.2"8957515451-3"
4.3CustomerSONoYour Sales Order Number, doesn't need to be unique.string50No1.2
4.4BatchNoIndicate a set of orders submitted to UNIS system in one batch. It supports searching by BatchNo to pull acknowledgments.string50No1.2
4.5BOLNoThe bill of lading (BOL), can be provided by you. Or UNIS will generate its own BOL# when the shipment is ready to go.string50No1.2
4.6ReferenceNo01Indicates the shipment requiring a signature (empty means no signature is required).string50No1.2
4.7ReferenceNo02Indicates the shipment requiring a signature (empty means no signature is required).string50No1.2"129459142"
4.8ReferenceNo03Indicates the shipment requiring a signature (empty means no signature is required).string50No1.2"AUKINT0001"
4.9ReferenceNo04Indicates the shipment requiring a signature (empty means no signature is required).string50No1.2
4.1ReferenceNo05Indicates the shipment requiring a signature (empty means no signature is required).string50No1.2
4.11OrderedDateOrder placed datedatetimeNo1.2"20191224121008"
4.12ScheduledDateScheduled shipping datedatetimeNo1.2"20991231070000"
4.13CanceledDateOrder canceled datedatetimeNo1.2
4.14ShipNotBeforeShip not before datetimedatetimeNo1.2
4.15ShipNoLaterShip not later than datetimedatetimeNo1.2
4.16MABDMust Arrive by DatedatetimeNo1.2"20991231070000"
4.17RoutedDateApplies to LTL shipments only.datetimeNo1.2
4.20Address (opens in a new tab)objectNo1.2
4.21ShippingInfo (opens in a new tab)objectYes1.2
4.22OrderTotal (opens in a new tab)objectNo1.2
4.23OrderNotes (opens in a new tab)objectNo1.2
4.24Items (opens in a new tab)objectYes1.2
4.25CTN (opens in a new tab)For Transload Order only. Provide Carton Level information if the UNIS operation team is to pick by specific CartonNo.objectNo1.2
4.26StatusIndicates creation of a new order.
Supported Value:
"Imported" to create a new order or update an existing order with status "Imported" or "Open".
4.29RetailerAuthorizationNumberRetailer Authorization Numberstring50No1.3.1
4.30BusinessTypeBusiness Typestring50No1.4Available Options:
Small Parcel
4.31SubOrderTypeSub Order Typestring50No1.4
4.32PackNotePacking Notestring100No1.4
4.33IsRushRush OrderboolNo1.4Options:
true, false
4.34DataChannelData ChannelstringNo1.4Channel from which DN originates, e.g., AMAZON_FBA, WALMART
4.35DataChannelAccountData Channel AccountstringNo1.4If a channel has multiple accounts, set the account alias to target the specific account, e.g., Amazon Account1, Amazon Account2
Address Fields
4.20.1SoldToNameThe sold-to party is the party that places the order and to whom sales and product prices are recorded againststring50No1.2"US FOODS"
4.20.2SoldToAddress1Sold-to party's address 1string50No1.2"134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG"
4.20.3SoldToAddress2Sold-to party's address 2string50No1.2
4.20.4SoldToCitySold-to party's citystring50No1.2"ALTOONA"
4.20.5SoldToStateSold-to party's statestring50No1.2"PA"
4.20.6SoldToZipCodeSold-to party's zip codestring50No1.2"16601"
4.20.7SoldToCountrySold-to party's countrystring50No1.2
4.20.8SoldToContactSold-to party's contactstring50No1.2
4.20.9SoldToPhoneSold-to party's phone numberstring50No1.2
4.20.10SoldToExtensionSold-to party's phone extensionstring50No1.2
4.20.11SoldToFaxSold-to party's faxstring50No1.2
4.20.12SoldToEmailSold-to party's email addressstring50No1.2
4.20.13ShipToNameThe ship-to party is the party to whom the order is shipped.string50Yes1.2"US FOODS"
4.20.14ShipToAddress1Ship-to party's address 1string50Yes1.2"134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG"
4.20.15ShipToAddress2Ship-to party's address 2string50No1.2
4.20.16ShipToCityShip-to party's citystring50Yes1.2"ALTOONA"
4.20.17ShipToStateShip-to party's statestring50Yes1.2"PA"
4.20.18ShipToZipCodeShip-to party's zip codestring50Yes1.2"16601"
4.20.19ShipToCountryShip-to party's countrystring50Yes1.2"US"
4.20.20ShipToContactShip-to party's contact, will be saved as default address namestring50No1.2
4.20.21ShipToPhoneShip-to party's phone numberstring15No1.2
4.20.22ShipToExtensionShip-to party's phone extensionstring15No1.2
4.20.23ShipToFaxShip-to party's faxstring15No1.2
4.20.24ShipToEmailShip-to party's email addressstring50No1.2
4.20.25ShipToStoreNoIf ship to retailer store, you can put the StoreNo as indicator.string30No1.2
4.20.26ShipToBatchCodeApply to LTL shipments only. Issued by retailer.string15No1.2
4.20.27ShipToHomeIt is usually used to indicate the ship to address is Commercial or Residential (true means Residential, false or blank means Commercial).boolean-No1.2
4.20.28ShipToOrganizationFor Ship to company, etc.string50No1.4
4.20.29StoreNameApply to LTL order, ship through consolidation center.string50No1.2
4.20.30StoreAddress1Final Destination store's addressstring50No1.2
4.20.31StoreAddress2Final Destination store's addressstring50No1.2
4.20.32StoreCityFinal Destination store's citystring50No1.2
4.20.33StoreStateFinal Destination store's statestring50No1.2
4.20.34StoreZipCodeFinal Destination store's Zipcodestring50No1.2
4.20.35StoreCountryFinal Destination store's Countrystring50No1.2
4.20.36StoreContactFinal Destination store's Contactstring50No1.2
4.20.37StorePhoneFinal Destination store's Phonestring15No1.2
4.20.38StoreExtensionFinal Destination store's Extensionstring15No1.2
4.20.39StoreFaxFinal Destination store's Faxstring15No1.2
4.20.40StoreEmailFinal Destination store's Emailstring15No1.2
4.20.41StoreStoreNoFinal Destination store's StoreNostring15No1.2
4.20.42BillToNameThe bill-to is the party to whom the freight bill is sent.string50No1.2
4.20.43BillToAddress1Bill-to party's address 1string50No1.2
4.20.44BillToAddress2Bill-to party's address 2string50No1.2
4.20.45BillToCityBill-to party's citystring50No1.2
4.20.46BillToStateBill-to party's statestring50No1.2
4.20.47BillToZipCodeBill-to party's zip codestring50No1.2
4.20.48BillToCountryBill-to party's countrystring50No1.2
4.20.49BillToContactBill-to party's contactstring50No1.2
4.20.50BillToPhoneBill-to party's phone numberstring15No1.2
4.20.51BillToExtensionBill-to party's phone extensionstring15No1.2
4.20.52BillToFaxBill-to party's faxstring15No1.2
4.20.53BillToEmailBill-to party's email addressstring50No1.2
4.20.54BillToStoreNoBill-to party's Store Numberstring30No1.2
ShippingInfo Fields
4.21.1FreightTermCC - Collect
PP - Prepaid (by Seller)
TP - Third Party Pay, If Freight Term is TP, the Shipping Account Number is required.
4.21.2ShipMethodM - Truckload
U - Small Parcel (default value)
W - Will Call
NA - Unknown
4.21.3DeliveryServiceCarrier's standard service level. Supported value are: Saver, Ground (Default), Two Day, One Day, 3 days. Refer to attachment for details.string50No1.2
4.21.4SCACCodeIt is a privately controlled US code used to identify vessel operating common carriers (VOCC). It is typically two to four letters long. Apply to LTL only.string15No1.2
4.21.5CarrierNameCarrier's standard service level. As for small parcel carriers, supported values are: FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL, Endicia.string15No1.2
4.21.6ShippingAccountNoIf Freight Term is TP, the Shipping Account Number is required.string15No1.2
4.21.7ContainerSizeApply to LTL shipments only.string100No1.2
4.21.8SignatureTypeLeave it blank if no signature needed

OrderTotal Fields
4.22.1TotalWeightTotal WeightDecimalNo1.2
4.22.2TotalCbftTotal Cubic FeetDecimalNo1.2
OrderNotes Fields
4.23.1NoteNotes for Warehouse Instructionsstring4000No1.2
4.23.2BOLNoteBill of Lading instructions, will be shown on the BOL, instruction section.string4000No1.2
4.23.3LabelNotePacking List Notes, will be shown on the Packing List Notes section.string250No1.2
4.23.4MISC01Customized field 01string100No1.2
4.23.5MISC02Customized field 02string100No1.2
4.23.6MISC03Customized field 03string100No1.2
4.23.7MISC04Customized field 04string100No1.2
4.23.8MISC05Customized field 05string100No1.2
4.23.9MISC06Customized field 06string100No1.2
4.23.10MISC07Customized field 07string100No1.2
4.23.11MISC08Customized field 08string100No1.2
4.23.12MISC09Customized field 09string100No1.2
4.23.13MISC10Customized field 10string100No1.2
4.23.15LabelCodeApply to the order requiring retailer's Carton UCC or Pallet UCC labels.string100No1.2
4.23.16ShippingInstructionsWill be shown on WISE order page.string1000No1.2"E&O"
4.23.17DeliveryInstructionsWill be shown on WISE order page.string1000No1.2
Items Fields
4.24.1LineNoYou can pass in a unique number for each ItemLine, it will be returned on the DC(Delivery Confirmation) calls.intNo1.2"1"
4.24.2SupplierIDA party that supplies goods. If you did not set multiple suppliers with UNIS, you can ignore this field.string15No1.2
4.24.3ItemIDYour unique Item SKU#.string30Yes1.2"5CB0Z21087"
4.24.4BuyerItemIDBuyer's item ID. Usualy is retailer's model number or item number. If you don't have it, you can ignore.string30No1.2
4.24.5LotNoA lot number is an identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer. Please only provide LotNo when you want UNIS operation team to pick by this particular LotNo.string30No1.2
4.24.6OrderedQtyThe ordered qty, must be based on the value on the UOM section.intYes1.21
4.24.7UnitPriceUnit sales price, if you don't require EDI810 from UNIS, you can ignore.DecimalNo1.2
4.24.8PrePackQtyIf your channels or retailers doesn't require for particular pack Qty, you can ignore.intNo1.2
4.24.9PrePackDescriptionIf your channels or retailers doesn't require for particular pack description, you can ignore.string100No1.2
4.24.14CustomerPalletsCustomer pallet quantityDecimalNo1.2
4.24.16ItemNoteNotes will be shown on the order page, itemline section.string100No1.2
4.24.17UPCCodeUPC consists of 12 numeric digits that are uniquely assigned to each trade item.string100No1.2
4.24.18PackageConfigureIf your channels or retailers doesn't require for particular Package Configure, you can ignore.string100No1.2
4.24.19UOMSupported Value: EA = Units/Each CS= Casestring10No1.2
4.24.20DTLMISC01Customized field 01string100No1.2
4.24.21DTLMISC02Customized field 02string100No1.2
4.24.22DTLMISC03Customized field 03string100No1.2
4.24.23DTLMISC04Customized field 04string100No1.2
4.24.24DTLMISC05Customized field 05string100No1.2
4.24.25DTLMISC06Customized field 06string100No1.2
4.24.26DTLMISC07Customized field 07string100No1.2
4.24.27DTLMISC08Customized field 08string100No1.2
4.24.28DTLMISC09Customized field 09string100No1.2
4.24.30ReturnLabelIndicates whether return label is required1.2"Y", "N"
4.24.31DTLMISC10Customized field 10string100No1.2
4.24.32DTLMISC11Customized field 11string100No1.2
4.24.33DTLMISC12Customized field 12string100No1.2
4.24.34DTLMISC13Customized field 13string100No1.2
4.24.35DTLMISC14Customized field 14string100No1.2
4.24.36DTLMISC15Customized field 15string100No1.2
4.24.37DTLMISC16Customized field 16string100No1.2
4.24.38DTLMISC17Customized field 17string100No1.2
4.24.39DTLMISC18Customized field 18string100No1.2
4.24.40DTLMISC19Customized field 19string100No1.2
4.24.41DTLMISC20Customized field 20string100No1.2
4.24.42UnitPriceCurrencyUnit Price Currency, ISO 4217
Default: USD
4.24.43GoodsTypeGoods type which defined by customerstring10No1.4
4.24.44TitleIDTitleID which setup under CustomerstringNo1.4
CTN Fields

API Return

This section introduces the parameters which from DN import result.

1CustomerIDCustomer Idstring151.2"AUKINT0001"
2PONoPO Numberstring501.2
3ReferenceNoReference Numberstring501.2"1209129"
4WISEPOIDWISE Order Idstring501.2"DN-94776"
5StatusResult Statusstring301.2"Warning"
6ErrorError Messagestring10001.2



This example explains importing DN via API to #889 facility, the target customer is AUKINT001. More details about the order are listed in the body parameters.

  // Url 
  POST http://preview.logisticsteam.com/shared/bam/v1/public/edi/outbound/order
  // Body
    "CompanyID": "LT",
    "CustomerID": "AUKINT0001",
    "FacilityID": "889",
    "POContent": {
      "PONo": "8957515451-3",
      "ReferenceNo": "Roy022501-3",
      "ReferenceNo02": "129459142",
      "ReferenceNo03": "AUKINT0001",
      "OrderedDate": "20191224121008",
      "CanceledDate": "20191224121008",
      "MABD": "20991231070000",
      "Address": {
        "SoldToName": "US FOODS",
        "SoldToAddress1": "134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG",
        "SoldToCity": "ALTOONA",
        "SoldToState": "PA",
        "SoldToZipCode": "16601",
        "SoldToCountry": "CA",
        "SoldToContact": "US00000001",
        "SoldToPhone": "8149402164",
        "SoldToEmail": "chris.storm@usfoods.com",
        "ShipToName": "US FOODS",
        "ShipToAddress1": "134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG",
        "ShipToCity": "ALTOONA",
        "ShipToState": "PA",
        "ShipToZipCode": "16601",
        "ShipToCountry": "US",
        "ShipToContact": "CHRISTOPHER STORM",
        "ShipToPhone": "8149402164",
        "ShipToEmail": "chris.storm@usfoods.com",
        "ShipToStoreNo": "US00000001"
      "ShippingInfo": {
        "FreightTerm": "PP",
        "ShipMethod": "Small Parcel",
        "SCACCode": "FEDEX",
        "DeliveryService": "SBD,"
      "OrderTotal": {},
      "OrderNotes": {
        "MISC01": "M",
        "MISC02": "POPT",
        "MISC03": "S1",
        "MISC05": "N",
        "MISC06": "FEDEX",
        "MISC07": "STST",
        "MISC08": "IG-60028602",
        "OrderType": "940",
        "ShippingInstructions": "E&O"
      "Items": [
          "LineNo": "1",
          "ItemID": "5CB0Z21087",
          "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087",
          "UOM": "EA",
          "OrderedQty": "1",
          "DTLMISC01": "000010",
          "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
          "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
          "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
          "DTLMISC05": "1",
          "DTLMISC06": "U402",
          "DTLMISC07": "1021",
          "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
          "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
          "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
          "mergeItemByEDI": "1|01FR111|1",
          "OriginalItemProductNumber": "00HW022",
          "ReturnLabel": "N",
          "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
          "DTLMISC12": "30001234"
          "LineNo": "2",
          "ItemID": "5CB0Z21087-1",
          "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087",
          "UOM": "EA",
          "OrderedQty": "1",
          "DTLMISC01": "000010",
          "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
          "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
          "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
          "DTLMISC05": "1",
          "DTLMISC06": "U402",
          "DTLMISC07": "1021",
          "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
          "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
          "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
          "mergeItemByEDI": "1|01FR111|1",
          "OriginalItemProductNumber": "00HW022",
          "ReturnLabel": "N",
          "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
          "DTLMISC12": "30001234"
      "Status": "Imported",
      "RetailerName": ""


  // Success return
     "Orders": [{
        "CustomerId": "AUKINT0001",
        "PONo": "",
        "ReferenceNo": "1209129",
        "WISEPOID": "DN-94776",
        "Status": "Success",
        "Error": "...."
// Failed return
  	"Orders": [{
  		"Error": "....",
  		"Status": "Fail"