API Docs
API Reference
DC Search By Paging

DC Search By Paging API

DC is the abbreviation of Delivery Confirmation. This article introduces the general DC Search by Paging API use case for easily understanding and applying this API.


DC Search by Paging is a searching method via using the PO# and a time period, then returns a set of delivery confirmation numbers in a batch. This API is typically used to search and retrieve relevant data in a paginated manner within WMS.
Paging functionality allows the API to handle large data queries by returning partial results, preventing performance issues caused by retrieving all data at once (optimizing system performance when handling large-scale queries).

API Request

API: POST /edi/outbound/order/dc/search-by-paging
Body Request:

1CompanyIDCompany IDstring15Yes1.3"LT"
2FacilityIDFacility Idstring15Yes1.3"889"
3CustomerIDCustomer Idstring15Yes1.3"AUKINT0001"
4PONoPO Numberstring50No1.3"8957515451-10"
5ReferenceNoReference Numberstring50No1.3"LIV2020021804-10"
6CreatedWhenFromCreated Fromstring50No1.3"2020-02-24T00:11:11.892"
7CreatedWhenToCreated Tostring50No1.3"2020-02-24T00:12:11.892"
8.1PageNoPage NumberintNo1.31

API Return

This section introduces the parameters from DC list.

Main Fields

FieldNameLong DescriptionDataTypeLengthVersionSample
1CompanyIDFacility IDstring151.2"889"
2CustomerIDCustomer IDstring151.2"AUKINT0001"
3ReferenceNoReference Numberstring501.2"Roy022501-3"
4PONoPO Numberstring501.2"8957515451-3"
5DC (opens in a new tab)DC Contentobject1.2

DC Fields

FieldNameLong DescriptionDataTypeLengthVersionSample
5.1OrderNoUNIS System (WISE) ORDER Number, unique in UNIS system.int1.2
5.2ReferenceNoUnique identifier from customer, indicate an order.string151.2
5.3ShippedDateShipped Datestring151.2
5.4MasterBOLNoA MBL summarizes the contents of a shipment including the bill of lading numbers assigned to the various items within the shipment, as well as a description of the freight under each bill of lading.string151.2
5.5PONoA PO Number uniquely identifies a purchase order and is generally defined by the buyer.string151.2
5.6ShipToNameThe ship-to party is the party to whom the order is shipped.string501.2
5.7ShipToAddressShip-to party's addressstring301.2
5.8ShipToAddress2Ship-to party's address 2string301.2
5.9ShipToCityShip-to party's citystring151.2
5.10ShipToStateShip-to party's statestring151.2
5.11ShipToZipcodeShip-to party's zip codestring151.2
5.12ShipToCountryShip-to party's countrystring151.2
5.13BOLNoThe bill of lading (BOL) works as a receipt of freight services, a contract between a freight carrier and shipper, and a document of title. UNIS will generate our own BOL# when the shipment is ready to go.string151.2
5.14LoadNoUsually, the carrier will provide Load Number. Or UNIS will generate our own load number if our CSR to build the load.string301.2
5.15TransportationTypeSupported Value: M - Truckload, L - LTL, U - Small Parcel (default value), W - Will Call, NA - Unknownstring151.2
5.16SCACCodeIt is a privately controlled US code used to identify vessel operating common carriers (VOCC). It is typically two to four letters long. Apply to LTL only.string151.2
5.17CarrierCarrier's standard service level. As for small parcel carriers, we support the following values: FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL, Endiciastring151.2
5.18SealsContainer Sealsstring151.2
5.19TotalShippedQtyTotal Shipped Quantity, UOM of each.string151.2
5.20TotalWeightTotal Shipped Weightstring151.2
5.21TotalCFTTotal Shipped Cubic Feetstring151.2
5.22CustomerSONoYour Sales Order Number, this is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.string501.2
5.23BatchNoIndicate a set of orders, which was submitted to the UNIS system in one batch. Customer will be able to search the BatchNo to pull acknowledgements.string501.2
5.24ReferenceNo01Reference Number 01string501.2
5.25ReferenceNo02Reference Number 02string501.2
5.26ReferenceNo03Reference Number 03string501.2
5.27ReferenceNo04Reference Number 04string501.2
5.28ReferenceNo05Reference Number 05string501.2
5.29OrderedDateOrder placed datestring501.2
5.30MABDMust Arrive by Datestring501.2“2099-12-31T00:00:00”
5.31ReferenceDate01Reference Date 01string501.2
5.32ReferenceDate02Reference Date 02string501.2
5.33ShipToStoreNoShip To Store Numberstring501.2
5.34SoldToNameThe sold-to party is the party that places the order and to whom sales and product prices are recorded againststring501.2
5.35SoldToAddress1Sold-to party's address 1string501.2
5.36SoldToAddress2Sold-to party's address 2string501.2
5.37SoldToCitySold-to party's citystring501.2
5.38SoldToStateSold-to party's statestring501.2
5.39SoldToZipCodeSold-to party's zip codestring501.2
5.40SoldToCountrySold-to party's countrystring501.2
5.41StoreNameShip To Store Namestring501.2
5.42StoreAddress1Ship To Store Address 1string501.2
5.43StoreAddress2Ship To Store Address 2string501.2
5.44StoreCityShip To Store Citystring501.2
5.45StoreStateShip To Store Statestring501.2
5.46StoreZipCodeShip To Store Zip Codestring501.2
5.47StoreCountryShip To Store Countrystring501.2
5.48BillToNameThe bill-to is the party to whom the freight bill is sent.string501.2
5.49BillToAddress1Bill-to party's address 1string501.2
5.50BillToAddress2Bill-to party's address 2string501.2
5.51BillToCityBill-to party's citystring501.2
5.52BillToStateBill-to party's statestring501.2
5.53BillToZipCodeBill-to party's zip codestring501.2
5.54BillToCountryBill-to party's countrystring501.2
5.55BillToStoreNoBill-to party's Store Numberstring501.2
5.56FreightTermCC - Collect, PP - Prepaid (by Seller), TP - Third Party Paystring151.2
5.57LabelNotePacking List Notes, shown in the Packing List Notes section.string501.2
5.58MISC01Customized field 01string1001.2
5.59MISC02Customized field 02string1001.2
5.60MISC03Customized field 03string1001.2
5.61MISC04Customized field 04string1001.2
5.62MISC05Customized field 05string1001.2
5.63MISC06Customized field 06string1001.2
5.64MISC07Customized field 07string1001.2
5.65MISC08Customized field 08string1001.2
5.66MISC09Customized field 09string1001.2
5.67MISC10Customized field 10string1001.2
5.68Lading QtyLading Quantitystring1.2
5.69Lading UOMLading Unit of Measurementstring1.2
5.70Delivery ServiceCarrier's standard service level. Supported values are: Saver, Ground, Two Day, One Day, 3 Days. Refer to attachment for details.string1.2
5.71ShipFromFacilityIDFacility ID indicates which warehouse UNIS ships from. Assigned by UNIS CSRstring1.2
5.72ShipToBatchCodeApplies to LTL shipments only. Issued by retailer.string1.2
5.73FreightCostFreight Cost; for small parcel, this is the estimated freight cost returned from parcel service API. May differ from the final freight cost.string1.2
5.74OrderTypeHardcode "Regular Order" for LTL order; "Drop Ship Order" for small parcel order.string1.2“940”, “850”
5.75AuthorizationNumberApplies to LTL shipments only. Issued by retailer.string1.2
5.76ShipmentIDUNIS System (WISE) generated shipment ID.string1.2
5.77SubOrderTypeOnly applies to customers who pre-defined sub-order type.string1.2
5.78Items (opens in a new tab)object1.2
5.79Cartons (opens in a new tab)object1.2
Items Fields
FieldNameLong DescriptionDataTypeLengthVersion
5.78.1ItemNumberYour unique Item SKU#string301.2
5.78.2OrderedQtyThe ordered qty. This is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.1.2
5.78.2ShippedQtyShipped Quantity, based on the value on the UOM section.1.2
5.78.3DifferenceQty=ShippedQty - OrderedQty1.2
5.78.4UOMUnit of Measurement Supported Value: EA = Units/Each CS= Casestring151.2
5.78.5UPCUPC consists of 12 numeric digits that are uniquely assigned to each trade item.string151.2
5.78.7WeightUnitCodeWeight Unit Supported Value: Pound KGstring151.2
5.78.8LineNoThe unique number for each ItemLine, This is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.string501.2
5.78.9SupplierIDA party that supplies goods. If you did not set multiple suppliers with UNIS, you can ignore this field.string501.2
5.78.10BuyerItemIDBuyer‘s item IDstring501.2
5.78.11LotNoA lot number is an identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer.string501.2
5.78.12UnitPriceUnit Pricestring151.2
5.78.13DTLMISC01Customized field 01string1001.2
5.78.14DTLMISC02Customized field 02string1001.2
5.78.15DTLMISC03Customized field 03string1001.2
5.78.16DTLMISC04Customized field 04string1001.2
5.78.17DTLMISC05Customized field 05string1001.2
5.78.18DTLMISC06Customized field 06string1001.2
5.78.19DTLMISC07Customized field 07string1001.2
5.78.20DTLMISC08Customized field 08string1001.2
5.78.21DTLMISC09Customized field 09string1001.2
5.78.22EnteredUOMEntered Unit of Measurement. This is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.string151.2
5.78.23OrderNoUNIS System (WISE) ORDER IDstring501.2
5.78.24DTLMISC10Customized field 10string1001.2
5.78.25DTLMISC11Customized field 11string1001.2
5.78.26DTLMISC12Customized field 12string1001.2
5.78.27DTLMISC13Customized field 13string1001.2
5.78.28DTLMISC14Customized field 14string1001.2
5.78.29DTLMISC15Customized field 15string1001.2
5.78.30DTLMISC16Customized field 16string1001.2
5.78.31DTLMISC17Customized field 17string1001.2
5.78.32DTLMISC18Customized field 18string1001.2
5.78.33DTLMISC19Customized field 19string1001.2
5.78.34DTLMISC20Customized field 20string1001.2
Cartons Fields
FieldNameLong DescriptionDataTypeLengthVersion
5.79.1CartonNoSSCC128, apply to LTL order only. If SSCCType is Carton, this will be Carton Number;string301.2
5.79.2SLPUNIS System (WISE) Shipping License Plate#.string301.2
5.79.3FromLPUNIS System (WISE) Inbound Receiving License Plate#. Used to track back FIFO.string301.2
5.79.4TrackingNoTracking NumberDecimal10,21.2
5.79.5WeightCarton WeightDecimal10,21.2
5.79.5VolumeCarton Volumestring301.2
5.79.6PalletNoSSCC128, apply to LTL order only. If SSCCType is Pallet, this will be Pallet Number;string501.2
5.79.7SSCCTypeSupported Value: Carton, Palletstring501.2
5.79.8OrderNoUNIS System (WISE) ORDER IDstring501.2
5.79.9ShippingCostFreight Cost for this package. As for small parcel, this is the estimated freight cost, returned from parcel service API. May have difference with the final freight coststring501.2
5.79.10ShippingCarrierNameCarrier's standard service level. As for small parcel carriers, we support values: FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL, Endiciastring501.2
5.79.11ShippingServiceNameCarrier's standard service level. Supported values are: Saver, Ground, Two Day, One Day, 3 days. Refer to attachment for details.string501.2
5.79.12ItemLines (opens in a new tab)object1.2
ItemLines Fields
FieldNameLong DescriptionDataTypeLengthVersion
Root unique Item SKU#.string301.2 lot number is an identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer.string151.2 Quantity, based on the value on the UOM section.string151.2 of Measurement. Supported Value: EA = Units/Each, CS = Casestring151.2 party that supplies goods. If you did not set multiple suppliers with UNIS, you can ignore this field.string501.2's item IDstring501.2 field 01string1001.2 field 02string1001.2 field 03string1001.2 field 04string1001.2 field 05string1001.2 field 06string1001.2 field 07string1001.2 field 08string1001.2 field 09string1001.2 Unit of Measurement. This is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.string151.2 ordered qty. This is what was sent on the Delivery Note by the customer.int1.2 Quantity, based on the value on the UOM section.int1.2, apply to LTL order only. If SSCCType is Carton, this will be Carton Number;string501.2 Numberstring501.2 Tracking Numberstring501.2



  // Url
  // Body
      "CompanyID": "LT",
      "CustomerID": "AUKINT0001",
      "FacilityID": "889",
      "PONo": "",
      "ReferenceNo": "",
      "CreatedWhenFrom": "2020-06-15T00:11:11.892",
      "CreatedWhenTo": "2020-06-20T00:12:11.892",


// Return Success
        "FacilityID": "889",
        "CustomerID": "AUKINT0001",
        "ReferenceNo": "Roy022501-3",
        "PONo": "8957515451-3",
        "DC": {
            "WISECompanyID": "ORG-1",
            "OrderNo": "DN-94800",
            "CustomerID": "AUKINT0001",
            "ReferenceNo": "Roy022501-3",
            "ShippedDate": "2020-06-18T02:09:01.083",
            "MasterBOLNo": "",
            "PONo": "8957515451-3",
            "ShipToName": "US FOODS",
            "ShipToAddress": "134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG",
            "ShipToAddress2": "",
            "ShipToCity": "ALTOONA",
            "ShipToState": "PA",
            "ShipToZipcode": "16601",
            "ShipToCountry": "US",
            "BOLNo": "DN-94800",
            "LoadNo": "",
            "TransportationType": "U",
            "SCACCode": "FEDG",
            "CarrierID": "FedEx",
            "Seals": "",
            "TotalShippedQty": 2,
            "TotalWeight": 0,
            "TotalCFT": 0,
            "CustomerSONo": "",
            "BatchNo": "",
            "ReferenceNo01": "",
            "ReferenceNo02": "129459142",
            "ReferenceNo03": "AUKINT0001",
            "ReferenceNo04": "",
            "ReferenceNo05": "",
            "OrderedDate": "2019-12-24T00:00:00",
            "MABD": "2099-12-31T00:00:00",
            "ReferenceDate01": "",
            "ReferenceDate02": "",
            "ShipToStoreNo": "US00000001",
            "SoldToName": "US FOODS",
            "SoldToAddress1": "134 SHUMA DRIVE ADMINI BLDG",
            "SoldToAddress2": "",
            "SoldToCity": "ALTOONA",
            "SoldToState": "PA",
            "SoldToZipCode": "16601",
            "SoldToCountry": "CA",
            "StoreName": "",
            "StoreAddress1": "",
            "StoreAddress2": "",
            "StoreCity": "",
            "StoreState": "",
            "StoreZipCode": "",
            "StoreCountry": "",
            "BillToName": "",
            "BillToAddress1": "",
            "BillToAddress2": "",
            "BillToCity": "",
            "BillToState": "",
            "BillToZipCode": "",
            "BillToCountry": "",
            "BillToStoreNo": "",
            "FreightTerm": "PP",
            "LabelNote": "",
            "MISC01": "M",
            "MISC02": "POPT",
            "MISC03": "S1",
            "MISC04": "",
            "MISC05": "N",
            "MISC06": "FEDEX",
            "MISC07": "STST",
            "MISC08": "IG-60028602",
            "MISC09": "",
            "MISC10": "",
            "LadingQty": 2,
            "LadingUOM": "Carton",
            "OrderType": "940",
            "Items": [
                    "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087-1",
                    "OrderedQty": 1,
                    "ShippedQty": 1,
                    "DifferenceQty": 0,
                    "UOM": "EA",
                    "UPC": "",
                    "Weight": 0,
                    "CFT": 0,
                    "WeightUnitCode": "L",
                    "LineNo": "2",
                    "SupplierID": "AUKEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED",
                    "LotNo": "",
                    "UnitPrice": "",
                    "DTLMISC01": "000010",
                    "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
                    "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
                    "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
                    "DTLMISC05": "1",
                    "DTLMISC06": "U402",
                    "DTLMISC07": "1021",
                    "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
                    "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
                    "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
                    "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
                    "DTLMISC12": "30001234",
                    "DTLMISC13": "",
                    "DTLMISC14": "",
                    "DTLMISC15": "",
                    "DTLMISC16": "",
                    "DTLMISC17": "",
                    "DTLMISC18": "",
                    "DTLMISC19": "",
                    "DTLMISC20": "",
                    "EAN": "",
                    "DigitBarcode14": "",
                    "Description": "5CB0Z21087-1",
                    "Color": "",
                    "Size": "",
                    "Pack": "",
                    "SizeOfEDI": "",
                    "EnteredUOM": "EA",
                    "mergeItemByEDI": "1|01FR111|1",
                    "MO_NUMBER": null,
                    "MO_LINE_NUMBER": null,
                    "DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID": null,
                    "SO_LINE_NUMBER": null,
                    "MO_LINE_ID": null
                    "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087",
                    "OrderedQty": 1,
                    "ShippedQty": 1,
                    "DifferenceQty": 0,
                    "UOM": "EA",
                    "UPC": "",
                    "Weight": 0,
                    "CFT": 0,
                    "WeightUnitCode": "L",
                    "LineNo": "1",
                    "SupplierID": "AUKEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED",
                    "LotNo": "",
                    "UnitPrice": "",
                    "DTLMISC01": "000010",
                    "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
                    "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
                    "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
                    "DTLMISC05": "1",
                    "DTLMISC06": "U402",
                    "DTLMISC07": "1021",
                    "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
                    "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
                    "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
                    "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
                    "DTLMISC12": "30001234",
                    "DTLMISC13": "",
                    "DTLMISC14": "",
                    "DTLMISC15": "",
                    "DTLMISC16": "",
                    "DTLMISC17": "",
                    "DTLMISC18": "",
                    "DTLMISC19": "",
                    "DTLMISC20": "",
                    "EAN": "",
                    "DigitBarcode14": "",
                    "Description": "5CB0Z21087",
                    "Color": "",
                    "Size": "",
                    "Pack": "",
                    "SizeOfEDI": "",
                    "EnteredUOM": "EA",
                    "mergeItemByEDI": "1|01FR111|1",
                    "MO_NUMBER": null,
                    "MO_LINE_NUMBER": null,
                    "DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID": null,
                    "SO_LINE_NUMBER": null,
                    "MO_LINE_ID": null
            "ProcessID": "DC",
            "DeliveryService": "SBD,",
            "ShipFromFacilityID": "M",
            "ShipToBatchCode": "",
            "FreightCost": "",
            "SubOrderType": "D2",
            "RetailerName": "US FOODS",
            "Cartons": [
                    "CartonNo": "HLP-1110509831",
                    "SLP": "HLP-1110509831",
                    "FromLP": "HLP-1110509831",
                    "TrackingNo": "1119013",
                    "Weight": 0,
                    "Volume": 0,
                    "PalletNo": "HLP-1110509831",
                    "SSCCType": "Carton",
                    "ItemLines": [
                            "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087-1",
                            "LotNumber": "",
                            "ShippedQty": 1,
                            "UOM": "EA",
                            "Weight": 0,
                            "Volume": 0,
                            "SupplierID": "AUKEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED",
                            "DTLMISC01": "000010",
                            "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
                            "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
                            "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
                            "DTLMISC05": "1",
                            "DTLMISC06": "U402",
                            "DTLMISC07": "1021",
                            "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
                            "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
                            "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
                            "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
                            "DTLMISC12": "30001234",
                            "DTLMISC13": "",
                            "DTLMISC14": "",
                            "DTLMISC15": "",
                            "DTLMISC16": "",
                            "DTLMISC17": "",
                            "DTLMISC18": "",
                            "DTLMISC19": "",
                            "DTLMISC20": "",
                            "EAN": "",
                            "DigitBarcode14": "",
                            "Description": "5CB0Z21087-1",
                            "Color": "",
                            "Size": "",
                            "Pack": "",
                            "SizeOfEDI": "",
                            "EnteredUOM": "EA",
                            "CartonNo": "HLP-1110509831",
                            "OrderNo": "DN-94800",
                            "TotalOrderedQty": 1,
                            "TotalShippedQty": 1,
                            "SerialNumber": "",
                            "ReturnTrackingNumber": ""
                    "OrderNo": "DN-94800",
                    "ShippingCost": 1119012
                    "CartonNo": "HLP-1110509832",
                    "SLP": "HLP-1110509832",
                    "FromLP": "HLP-1110509832",
                    "TrackingNo": "1119014",
                    "Weight": 0,
                    "Volume": 0,
                    "PalletNo": "HLP-1110509832",
                    "SSCCType": "Carton",
                    "ItemLines": [
                            "ItemNumber": "5CB0Z21087",
                            "LotNumber": "",
                            "ShippedQty": 1,
                            "UOM": "EA",
                            "Weight": 0,
                            "Volume": 0,
                            "SupplierID": "AUKEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED",
                            "DTLMISC01": "000010",
                            "DTLMISC02": "Roy02190901",
                            "DTLMISC03": "4807729019,000010",
                            "DTLMISC04": "Roy021907",
                            "DTLMISC05": "1",
                            "DTLMISC06": "U402",
                            "DTLMISC07": "1021",
                            "DTLMISC08": "H021,",
                            "DTLMISC09": "20JT,",
                            "DTLMISC10": "R02060201",
                            "DTLMISC11": "1210193450",
                            "DTLMISC12": "30001234",
                            "DTLMISC13": "",
                            "DTLMISC14": "",
                            "DTLMISC15": "",
                            "DTLMISC16": "",
                            "DTLMISC17": "",
                            "DTLMISC18": "",
                            "DTLMISC19": "",
                            "DTLMISC20": "",
                            "EAN": "",
                            "DigitBarcode14": "",
                            "Description": "5CB0Z21087",
                            "Color": "",
                            "Size": "",
                            "Pack": "",
                            "SizeOfEDI": "",
                            "EnteredUOM": "EA",
                            "CartonNo": "HLP-1110509832",
                            "OrderNo": "DN-94800",
                            "TotalOrderedQty": 1,
                            "TotalShippedQty": 1,
                            "SerialNumber": "",
                            "ReturnTrackingNumber": ""
                    "OrderNo": "DN-94800",
                    "ShippingCost": 1119014
        "CreatedWhen": "2020-06-18T02:10:02.37"