DN Header Level Query API
DN Header Level Query API is used to retrieve high-level details of delivery notifications within the system. This article introduces the general DN Header Level Query API for easily understanding and applying this API.
DN Header Level Query API provides summary information such as delivery notification numbers, statuses and other key header attributes, allowing user for obtaining an overview of the DN before drilling down into more detailed line-level information.
API Request
API: POST /edi/outbound/order-level/search-by-paging
Body Request:
Body Parameter | Required | Description | Note |
FacilityID | Y | Facility ID | "889" |
CustomerID | Y | Customer ID | "AUKINT0001" |
CompanyID | Y | Company ID | "LT" |
PONo | N | PO Number | "8957515451-10" |
ReferenceNo | N | Reference Number | "LIV2020021804-10" |
UpdatedWhenFrom | N | Updated Date From | "2022-02-01T00:00:00-08:00" |
UpdatedWhenTo | N | Updated Date To | "2022-02-03T00:00:00-08:00" |
Paging | N | Page Object | "PageNo": 2 |
API Return
It returns the order list with the header info, for more detail, please refer to the following example.
"PONo": "",
"ReferenceNo": "",
"UpdatedWhenFrom": "2022-02-01T00:00:00-08:00",
"UpdatedWhenTo": "2022-02-03T00:00:00-08:00",
"Paging": {
"PageNo": 2
// Success return
"results": {
"head": [
"Order #",
"Order Type",
"Load #",
"PO #",
"Customer BOL",
"Shipping Account No",
"Ship Not Before",
"Ship Not Later",
"Hold At Location",
"Hold At Carrier",
"Consolidation No",
"Equipment Type",
"Appointment Time",
"Desired Schedule Date",
"Delivery Request Date",
"Shipped Time",
"SCAC Code",
"Delivery Service",
"Pro #",
"Freight Term",
"Retailer Name",
"Ship To Name",
"Ship To Address",
"Sold To Name",
"Sold To Address",
"Freight Bill To Name",
"Label Notes",
"Order Created By",
"Order Dynamic Property",
"Shipped Date",
"Created Date",
"Create Time",
"Update Time"
"data": []
"paging": {
"totalCount": 0,
"pageNo": 1,
"totalPage": 0,
"startIndex": 1,
"endIndex": 0,
"limit": 100