Adjust Inventory Qty Incremental API
Adjust Inventory Qty Incremental API is used in Warehouse Management System to incrementally adjust inventory quantities. This article introduces the general Adjust Inventory Qty Incremental API for easily understanding and applying this API.
Adjust Inventory Qty Incremental API allows users to add or reduce quantity of specific items in the warehouse inventory based on operational needs, ,such as restocking, shrinkage or discrepancies. It ensures the system reflects real-time stock level.
API Request
API: POST /edi/3pl/adjust/inventory-adjust-qty-incremental
Body Request:
Body Parameter | Required | Description | Note |
CompanyID | Y | Company ID | "LT" |
CustomerID | Y | Customer ID | "AUKINT0001" |
FacilityID | Y | Facility ID | "889" |
LP | Y | LP ID * LP and Location should not be both empty | "ILP-1000011" |
Location | Y | Location * LP and Location should not be both empty | "" |
Status | N | Inventory Status | [ "AVAILABLE" "ON_HOLD" ] |
Title | N | Item Title | |
GoodsType | N | Item Goods Type | [ "GOOD" "DAMAGE" ] |
LotNo | N | Item Lot Number | |
ExpirationDate | N | Item Expiration Date | 2023-01-01T00:00:00-07:00 |
MfgDate | N | Item MFG Date | 2023-01-01T00:00:00-07:00 |
ShelfLifeDate | N | Item Shelf Life Date | 2023-01-01T00:00:00-07:00 |
SN | N | Item SN | |
ItemID | Y | Item ID | "SKU10001" |
UOM | Y | ITEM UOM | [ "EA" "CS" ] |
DeltaQty | Y | Adjustment In/Out Qty | 100 |
Note | N | Adjustment Note | |
Reason | Y | Adjustment Reason | [ "Cycle Count", ""CC Overage", ""CC Shortage", ""Physical Count", ] |
API Return
It returns the status which indicates the operation is correct or not, for more detail, please refer to the following example.
Available inventory 50 is updated with following request
Before: 50
After: 150
"CompanyID": "LT",
"CustomerID": "AUKINT0001",
"FacilityID": "889",
"Location": "",
"ItemID": "SKU001",
"LpID": "",
"Status": "AVAILABLE",
"DeltaQty": 100, // 100 for adjust in, -100 for adjust out
"UOM": "EA",
"ReasonCode": "Cycle Count",
"Note": "" //Optional
// Success return
"success": true
// Failure return
"error": "something went wrong"